
Users! To get started right away using JKaiUI, please check out our downloads page!

We are glad to announce that jKaiUI has been added to the windows package manager. All windows users now have the option of using jKaiUI as their default UI. Find out more about it on the tutorials page.

jKaiUI is an open source, multi-platform, Java front-end for the popular Xbox, PS2, and GameCube tunneling service, XLink Kai. It will utilize the latest Kai API such as arena and messenger modes, password-protected private arenas, player avatars, and will adapt to any changes made to the engine by Team XLink. With developers from all over the world, jKaiUI will have language-pack support and feature complete translations of text displayed within the program and text featured on its website. We are confident that jKaiUI will provide the most usability and aesthetic appeal of all third-party Kai front-ends.

To tickle your fancy, you can find screenshots of the program running on Linux, Windows XP, and OSX in our Screenshots section, or, if you would like to try it out right away, feel free to grab it from our Downloads page.

Additionally, if you are a programmer, have experience with Java networking, and would like to join our development team, send Jick an email. His contact information, as well as any other team member's, can be found on the Contact page.