jKaiUI Development Webstart
This new version of jKaiUI utilizes Java Web Start, a feature which allows developers to deploy jKaiUI with a single click via the Internet. Java Web Start ensures the most current version of the application will be deployed, and performs many system dependent tasks such as creating shortcuts. This will allow us to develop and deliver new features as they are requested by our users and as soon as we are able to write and securely and test them.

Changelog - 10/22/05
- CHANGED: Some gui elements.
- CHANGED: Message layout.
- ADDED: Option to store the window size and position.
- ADDED: Bookmarks.
- ADDED: Option to set "I'm host" while creating a private arena.
- ADDED: A new Configuration system.
- ADDED: Per TheDaddy's request, JKaiUI auto-discovers engines on the user's subnet by default.
- ADDED: A new panel which displays all the users when in Messenger Mode.
- ADDED: The ability to specify your own NTP server for the Universal Time clock.
- ADDED: The current arena is now displayed in the title bar of the JKaiUI window.
- ADDED: All player and arena avatars are now cached on the hard drive for a specified duration.
- ADDED: Cleaned up some of the context menus by logically placing menu separators.
- ADDED: Moderators will now be labeled as "Moderator" when you view their info.
- ADDED: Combined the Connect and Disconnect buttons into a single toggle button.
- FIXED: Moderator privileges would still appear to exist even after you've left your own arena.
- FIXED: Painting ugliness bug in the Main UI with the Windows XP Look&Feel.
- FIXED: Some graphical misalignments on the main interface.
- FIXED: By request, when switching arenas the ChatPanel's text field gains focus.
- FIXED: A bug that caused the General Chat window to disappear when you receive a message from someone.
- FIXED: An issue which sometimes causes JKaiUI to hang when starting.
Changelog - 6/24/05
- ADDED: Backed by popular popular demand, we've added the Follow User feature to Messenger Mode. Enjoy!
- ADDED: For Linux and OSX users, the MainUI buttons have been tweaked and now look much better and less clunky. The Windows Look&Feel renders the changes the same.
- FIXED: Users can once again preview messenger mode by hovering over the button while in arena mode.
- FIXED: Display bug with v1.4.x JVMs not displaying the XLink network stats in the toolbar.
- FIXED: OSX bug with the OSX drag handle clipping off the Universal Time clock
- FIXED: The settings window will now center itself relative to the MainUI instead of appearing at (0,0)
- FIXED: Various other bugs here and there.
Changelog - 6/20/05
- ADDED: New deployment system. Users now have the option of using either the "JKaiUI Web Start Stable" or "JKaiUI Web Start Development" update branches.
- ADDED: New Diagnostic mode that displays the orbital server, detected external IP and available port, the Ethernet device in use, and information about the version and platform of your Kai Engine.
- ADDED: User profile context menu available when right clicking a user. Displays their age, country, bandwidth, and console systems available. Fancy Game listings coming soon. :)
- ADDED: Ability to ban, kick, or disconnect a member of a game you host through the context menu.
- ADDED: An intuitive multipurpose toolbar at the bottom of the Main UI.
- ADDED: JKaiUI now will display statistics about the entire Kai network in the toolbar as parsed from the XLink website.
- ADDED: Per request, JKaiUI has a clock in its new toolbar showing the current Universal Time. The value will always be correct since it retrieves its setting from a remote NTP (Network Time Protocol) server.
- ADDED: JKaiUI icon shows in upper left corner of parent window.
- FIXED: Exit menu did not work properly.
- FIXED: The Main UI no longer resizes itself twice when the program is first launched.
- FIXED: When attempting to bind to an engine, if you have not specified a username and password, you are notified and prompted to go to the settings dialog.
- FIXED: JKaiUI now attempts to connect to an engine when the program launches.
- FIXED: Various other bugs and usability nuisances.
What you will need:
- Everyone: J2SE Java Runtime Environment (v1.5.0 or newer highly recommended)
- Linux/OSX: Kaid or newer
- Windows: XLink Kai Evo VII
- Developers: NetBeans 4.1 + JDK 5.0 Bundle
- Note: Users without a Java Virtual Machine newer than v1.4.2 will need to download a copy from the J2SE Java Runtime Environment link above.